Kid's Ministry: Oakwood Kids
Oakwood Kids is our Kids ministry. Ages 3 years old to 5th grade are welcome to come and have fun as we learn about Bible Stories, memorize scripture, pray together, and worship. Your kids will be poured into and ready to start their week off with God as their main focus.
-Children’s Church is available for children ages 3-5th grade on Sunday Mornings. Pastor Gerry will dismiss the children after worship and the offering for a morning of faith based learning and fun!
Youth Ministry: Reality Check Youth Ministry
Youth group meets at 7pm.
Reality Check Youth Ministry is for 6th Graders and up. Join us for an evening of fun and fellowship as we dig into the Word.

Men's Ministry: IRON Sharpens IRON
Men’s Prayer Breakfast:
Meet us every 3rd Saturday of the month for the Men’s Prayer Breakfast, right here at Oakwood Church.
We will eat a warm breakfast, fellowship and have a good time as iron sharpens iron. Some Saturdays we will venture into the community as we work on local ministry outreaches and be the hands and feet of Jesus.
For More information on Men’s Ministries please contact Jeff Walerius.

Women's Ministry:
Women of Worth (WOW)
We are here to join in prayer, to inspire, encourage and uplift women of all walks of life through the guiding of the Holy Spirit. SOS pleas are sent out throughout this world and women wonder why they are not being heard by friends and family. Here, your SOS signals will be heard and you will be welcomed and accepted. We will pray hand in hand and allow the Lord to guide and renew us.
Remember this, we are all works in progress of the Heavenly King. Come join us in strengthening each other with the help of Jesus Christ, through bible study, worship, diving into scriptures, games, food and fellowship.
Women of Worth will meet the second Saturday of the month at 10 O'Clock a.m. until noon here at Oakwood Community Church. We look forward to meeting you and traveling through our journeys together.

Unique to Oakwood is a once-a-month gathering for empty nesters called Over the Hill or Joy Group. It began several years ago when people who no longer participated in activities such as roller skating, ice skating, skiing, bowling, sledding, etc. desired a more sedentary and less physically risky activity. Thus, a small group began to meet in one another’s homes once a month to visit, play cards or board games and get to know one another better while enjoying after-dinner snacks.
Worship Ministry
Worship. What a great opportunity we have to get together and worship God!
Our worship service is contemporary with a full worship team.
God will speak to you, perhaps through a song at times. Worship is another opportunity to sing praises to our mighty God, to bask in His presence and to surrender whatever we are going through completely to Him. Worship is an important part of our church experience and we hope you will be blessed by it!
If you are interested in joining the Worship Team, please contact Brandon.